cours en ligne de la Faculté des sciences

Material point mechanics is a fundamental branch of classical physics that studies the motion of objects regardless of their size, shape or internal structure. In other words, it concentrates on the motion of particles assimilated to point-like points, neglecting microscopic details. This simplification enables many physical phenomena to be modeled and analyzed efficiently.

The basic principles of material point mechanics are based on the fundamental laws of physics, such as Newton's law of universal gravitation and Newton's laws of motion. These laws describe the interactions between bodies, the forces acting on them and the resulting motions.

By studying the mechanics of the material point, we can understand and predict various phenomena, such as the motion of planets around the sun, the motion of projectiles, the oscillations of a pendulum, and so on. It is therefore an essential discipline for theoretical and applied physics, as well as for many other sciences and engineering disciplines.