(By Dr. HEMCHE Hidaya Amina and Dr. HAKEM Hadia)



Ex1: Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1.      ‘I’ll come and see you on Friday if that’s all right.’

She said ….………………………………………………………………………

2.       ‘The conference will be spending a considerable time dicussing the world debt crisis.’

 The statement said …………………………………………………………….

3.      ‘The shop’s closing in half an hour.’

She explained …………………………………………………………………

4.      ‘He’s planning to set up his own business.’

Gareth tells me …………………………………………………………………

5.      ‘We’re going to have to make quite a few cutbacks.’

The managing director said …………………………………………………….

6.      ‘The police have been investigating new allegtions of fraud.’

A spokesperson said ..…………………………………………………………

7.      ‘When the project first started, there was a lot of interest in it.’

She explained to us …………………………………………………………………..

8.      ‘It’s pouring with rain down here.’

She told me …………………………………………………………………….

9.      ‘I’ll have finished writing the report by the time you get here.’

She promised me ……………………………………………………………….

10. ‘My new computer has made a lot of difference to me.’

She says ……………………………………………………………………….

11. ‘The 8.45 train from Waterloo will be arriving in approximately five minutes.’

The station announcer has just said ……………………………………………

12. ‘When we were setting up the organisation, we had very little money.’

They told me ……………………………………………………………………

13. ‘The club lost quite a lot of money last month.’

The treasurer told the meeting ……………………………………………

14. ‘It will be a very difficult time for all of us.’

He agreed ………………………………………………………………………

15. ‘You work too hard. You should take more time off.’

He told me ………………………………………………………………………


Ex2: Write the following statements into reported speech.

1.      ‘The skate will soon be hard enough to skate on,’ said Tom.


2.      ‘I’m living with my parents at present,’ she said, ‘but I hope to have a flat of my own.’


3.      ‘I wish I had something to eat,’ said Peter. ~ ‘You’ve just had lunch,’ said his sister, ‘I don’t know how you can be hungry again so soon.’


4.      ‘If you want to smoke, you’ll have to smoke upstairs,’ said the bus conductor.


5.      ‘Let’s light a fire and cook our sausages over it,’ said the children.


6.      ‘I was thinking of going by bus,’ said Paul. ~ ‘I should go by bus (if I were you),’ said his aunt. ‘It’s an awful bad service.’


7.      ‘You’d better take your own sleeping bags; you may have to sleep out,’ he warned us.


8.      ‘I wish we had brought our guitars,’ said the students. ‘Then we could have offered to play in the restaurant and perhaps they would have given us a free meal.’


9.      ‘I’m sorry for not having a tie on,’ said Peter. ‘I didn’t know it was going to be a formal party.’


10.  ‘Let’s go to the races!’ said Ann. ‘We might make our fortunes. I’ve been given a very good tip for the 2.30.’ ~ ‘I’ve ‘good tips’ from you before,’ said Paul. ‘And they were disastrous.’


Ex3: Put the sentences into reported speech, summarizing what was said and using the verbs in the box (an example is provided).

Decide -  complain -  accuse – advise- apologize  -offer -  persuade -  remind- warn-refuse


1.      A: I don’t think you should hand in your resignation immediately. Give yourself more time to think about it.

B: OK. I suppose you’re right. I’ll leave it for a while then.

He persuaded me not to hand in my resignation immediately.

2.      ‘I know you’ve got a lot of work to do at the moment. I’ll help you type up that report if you like,’ he said.


3.      ‘No, I’m not going to discuss it with you. I think it’s a waste of time,’ he said.


4.      ‘I really think I should have been invited to the meeting. I’m very unhappy about the fact that I wasn’t,’ he said.


5.      ‘You’ve been quite ill and you need to recover. I really think you should take it easy for a few days,’ the doctor said.


6.      ‘You must not go near their house again or there will be trouble,’ the police said to him.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ‘After giving the matter some serious thoughts, we have now reached a final decision. We are going to close down the naval base in two years’ time,’ said the ministry of defence.


7.      ‘Someone’s been reading my diary. I know they have. I found it in the wrong drawer this morning. It was you, wasn’t it ?’, he said.


8.      ‘Remember that you’ve got to apply for a new passport. Yours is out of date now,’ he said to me.


9.      ‘ I’m really  sorry about all the trouble I have caused. I didn’t mean to,’ she said.


Ex5: Write the following in reported speech.

1.      ‘Where do you think we should advertise?’

He asked me ……………………………………………………………….

2.      ‘Are you going to audition for the play?’

Emma asked me ………………………………………………………………

3.      ‘How is Laure getting on?’

She often asks me ………………you ………………………………………

4.      ‘Shall I ask her out for a meal?’

He’s been wondering …………………………………………………………

5.      ‘Why did Matthew look so embarassed when he saw Carole?’

He asked ………………………………………………………………………

6.      ‘Must we stay here all evening?’

He asked ………………………………………………………………………

7.      ‘What are they doing about publicity for the event?’

 She wondered ………………………………………………………………

8.      ‘Will you send me the report when it’s finished?’

He asked me …………………………………………………………………

9.      ‘Have you brought the student record or not?’ (She asked me)

10. ‘Do you think you could keep your voices down?’

She asked us …………………………………………………………………

11. ‘Where did you buy that hat?’

She wanted to know …………………………………………………………

12. ‘Have you been eating properly?’

The doctor asked me …………………………………………………………

13. ‘Don’t make any noise during the performance?’

They asked us ……………………………………………………………….

14. ‘Were you still teaching music when you met Oliver’

Mike asked me ………………………………………………………………


Ex6: Write the following questions in reported speech.

1.      ‘Who has been using my telephone?’ said my mother.


2.      ‘What were you doing with these keys?’ said Mr Jones. ‘Were you trying to get at the secret files ?’

………………………………………………………………………………………………… ‘Could I see Commander Smith?’ the lady asked. ~ ‘I’m afraid he’s in in orbit,’ I said. ‘Would you like to leave a message?’


3.      ‘Would you like to come with us?’ they said. ‘There’s plenty of room in the car.’ ~ ‘I’d love to,’ said Ann.


4.      ‘Would you mind taking off your hat?’ I said to the woman in front of me. ~ ‘But the theatre is almost empty!’ she said. ‘Why don’t you move along a bit?’


5.      ‘Have you ever seen a flying saucer?’ he asked.


6.      ‘Did you catch your train or not?’ he asked.


7.      ‘Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?’ asked the au-pair girl.


Ex7: Put the following in reported speech. (commands, requests)

1.      ‘Don’t put sticky things into your pockets,’ said his mother.


2.      ‘Please, please, don’t do anything dangerous,’ said his wife.


3.      ‘Could I have some more pudding, please?’ said the boy.


4.      ‘Do go to the dentist, Tom, before your toothache gets any worse,’ I said.


5.      ‘Would you please fill in this form and then join the queue?’ said the secretary.


6.      ‘Lend me your pen for a moment,’ I said to Mary.


7.      ‘Don’t believe everything you hear,’ he warned me.


8.      ‘I should say nothing about it if I were you,’ said my mother.


9.      ‘Remember to book a table,’ said Ann.


10.  ‘Hold the ladder,’ he said. ‘It’s unsteady.’


11. ‘Why don’t you open a bank account?’


12. ‘You had better not to leave your money lying about,’ said one of the students.



Ex8: Put the following into the indirect speech, avoiding as far as possible the verbs, say, ask and tell and choosing instead from the following:

accept, accuse, admit, advise, agree, apologize, assure, beg, call, (+noun/pronoun+noun), complain, congratulate, deny, exclaim, explain, give, hope, insist, introduce, invite, offer, point out, promise, protest, refuse, remark, remind, suggest, thank , threaten, warn, wish.

1.      He said: ‘Don’t walk on the ice ; it isn’t safe.’


2.      ‘Miss Brown, this is Miss White. Miss White, this is Miss Brown,’ he said.


3.      ‘Here are the car keys. You’d better wait in the car,’ he said to her.


4.      ‘Please, please, don’t tell anyone,’ she said. ~ ‘I won’t, I promise,’ I said.


5.      ‘Would you like my torch?’ I said, holding it out. ~ ‘No, thanks,’ he said. ‘I have one of my own.’


6.      Tom: I’ll pay. ~ Ann: Oh no, you mustn’t! ~ Tom: I insist on paying.


7.      ‘Come in and look round. There’s no obligation to buy,’ said the shopkeeper.


8.      ‘If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill the boy,’ said the kidnapper.


9.      ‘I won’t answer any question,’ said the arrested man.


10.  ‘He expects a lot of work for very little money,’ complained one of the typists.    ~   ‘Yes, he does,’ agreed the other.


11. ‘I wish it would rain,’ she said.


12. ‘You pressed the wrong button,’ said the mechanic. ‘Don’t do it again. You might have a nasty accident.’


13.  ‘Your weight’s gone up a lot!’ I exlaimed.


14. ‘I hope you’ll have a good journey,’ he said. ‘Don’t forget to send a card when you arrive.’


15. ‘Hurrah! I’ve passed the first exam!’ he exlaimed. ~ ‘Congratulations!’ I said,’ and good luck with the second.’


16. ‘All right, I’ll wait a week’, she said.


17. ‘Many happy returns of your birthday!’ we said. ~ ‘Thanks,’ said the boy.


18.  ‘Your door is the shabbiest in the street,’ said the neighbour. ~ ‘It is,’ I said.


19. ‘Cigarette,’ ~ ‘Thanks,’ I said.


20.  ‘I’m sorry I’m late,’ she said. ‘ The bus broke down.’


21. ‘You’ve been leaking information for the Press!’ said his collegues.  ~ ‘No, I haven’t,’ he said. ‘Liar!’ said Tom.


22. ‘I’ll drop you from the team if you don’t train harder,’ said the captain.
