The PASSIVE VOICE: Exercises

(By Dr HAKEM Hadia and Dr HEMCHE Hidaya Amina)



Ex1 : Put the transitive verbs into the passive voice. Do not mention the agent unless it seems necessary.

1.      People steal things from supermarkets every day; someone stole twenty bottles of milk from this one last week.


2.      Normally men sweep this street every day, but nobody swept it last week.


3.      Someone turned on the light in the hall and opened the door.


4.      We serve hot meals till 10:30, and guests can order coffee and sandwitches up to 11:30.


5.      An ambulance took the sick man to hospital.


6.      Tom had only a slight injury and they helped him off the field; but Jack was seriously injured and they carried him off on a stretcher. (Tom, who had …, but, Jack who was…)


7.      They didn’t pay me for the work; they expected me to do it for nothing.


8.      Who wrote it ?


9.      A jelly fish stung her.


10. You can’t wash this dress; you must dry-clean it.


11. Men with slide rules used to do these calculations; now a computer does them.


12. The court tried the man, found him guilty and sent him to prison.


13. The hall porter polishes the knockers of all flats every day. Well, he hasn’t polished mine for a week.


14. They invited Jack but they didn’t invite Tom.


15. Has someone posted my parcel?


16. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan?


17. They have tried other people’s schemes. Why haven’t they tried my schemes?


18. They frown smoking here.


19. I found that they stowed my car away. I asked why they had done this and they told me that  it was parked under a No parking sign.


20.  People were telling me what to do all the time and I didn’t enjoy it. (I didn’t    enjoy …)


  • 21. Nobody’s going to steal your books from this room.


22. He escaped when they were moving him from one prison to another.


23. When they have widened this street, the roar of the traffic will keep the residents awake all night.


24. We have to pick the fruit very early in the morning; otherwise we can’t get it to the market in time.


25. They suggested allowing council tenants to buy their houses.



Ex 2 : A young man is applying for a job. Here is what he says.

I hope the company invites me to an interview. I’m worried about them asking me difficult questions. I want them to take me seriously. I hope the company will offer me a job. I don’t mind them paying me low wages at first. I’m willing for them to re-train me. I’d enjoy if they send me on business trips abroad. I would like the boss to give me a chance.

Report what the man says. Use the passive to -infinitive or -ing form.

1.      He hopes to be invited to an interview.

2.      He is worried about being asked difficult questions.

3.      He …………………………………………………………………………….

4.      …………………………………………………………………………………

5.      …………………………………………………………………………………

6.      …………………………………………………………………………………

7.      …………………………………………………………………………………

8.      …………………………………………………………………………………


Ex 3 : If possible, complete the sentences using the pairs of verbs given. Make passive forms with past participle + -ing, past participle + to-infinitive, or past simple + being + past participle. If no passive is possible, write ‘no passive’.

1.      Robert always hated being teased by other children.                (hate – tease)

2.      We ………………..………… our passports at the border.                (ask-show)

3.      You …………………. in two copies of the customs declaration.   (require-fill)

4.      The children ……………………….. science lessons at school.       (want-enjoy)

5.      Jack and Martha could ………………………… in the next room.  (hear-argue)

6.      He ……………………...…….. money out of the cash box.             (catch-take)

7.      I ………………………..… me decorate the bedroom.                         (need-help)

8.      I ……………………………..… furious when they found out the window was broken.  (anticipate-be)

9.      She phoned the police and …..….…………….. outside her home.   (report-attack)

10.  The pop concert ……………….…… over 20,000 people.          (expect-attract)

Ex4: Complete theses sentences (from an article about Shakespeare) with appropriate forms of the verbs, plus by or with where necessary.

          consider         establish        experience    fill       perform         not write

1.      Shakespeare was born in 1564 and ………….……….. many to be the greatest English writer.

2.      His early reputation ……………….… writing and appearing in his own plays.

3.      His plays ……………………. interesting characters and memorable speeches.

4.      Today, at the new Globe theatre, the plays ..……………………… conditions similar to those which ………………………. audiences in Shakespeare’s time.

5.      Some people have claimed that many of the plays …………………………….. Shakespeare.


Ex 5 : Make one corresponding passive sentence or two, if possible, as in 1. Look carefully at the tense  in the sentences given.

1.      Someone handed me a note.  I was handed a note / A note was handed to me.

2.      Someone offered her a second-hand bicycle.  ………………………………......

3.      Someone has proposed improvements to the developers.  ……………………...

4.      Someone suggested some interesting changes to me. …………………………..

5.      Someone awarded him a prize. …………………………………………………

6.      Someone will announce the President’s arrival to the waiting journalists.  ……………….......................................................................................................

7.      Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves.  …………………………

8.      Someone has lent me some skis. ……………………………………………...

9.      Someone is sending him threatening letters.  ………………………………...

10. Someone is going to explain the changes to the students.  ……………………...


Ex 6 : If possible, make a corresponding sentence with a passive form of the underlined two- or three-word verb, as in 1. If it is not possible, write ‘No passive’.

1.      Children often look up to strict teachers.

Strict teachers are often looked up to by children.

2.      The company phased out the product over a period of three years.


3.      The students got the information down as fast as they could.


4.      The decision has deprived many people of the right to vote.


5.      People often brush up on a foreign language just before a holiday.


6.      John called Mrs Jones back as soon as he got home.


7.      The chairman held over the last two items until the next committee meeting.


8.      The farmer prevented walkers from crossing the field after he fenced it off.            …………………………………………………………………………………

Ex7: Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined words each time.

1.      It is expected that the strike will end soon.

The stike is expected to end soon.

2.      It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.

The weather …………………………………………………………………...

3.      It is believed that the thieves got in through a window in the roof.

The theives ……………………………………………………………………

4.      It is reported that many people are homeless after the flood.

Many people…………………………………………………………………..

5.      It is thought that the prisonner escaped by climbing over a wall.

The prisonner …………………………………………………………………

6.      It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.

The man ……………………………………………………………………

7.      It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire.

The building …………………………………………………………………

8.      a   It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.

     The company ………………………………………………………………

b  It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.

    The company ………………………………………………………………

c  It is expected that the company will make a loss this year.

               The company ………………………………………………………………


Ex8: Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure ‘have something done’.

1.      We are having the house painted (the house/paint) at the moment.

2.      I lost my key. I’ll have to …………..…………………….. (another key/make).

3.      When was the last time you ………………….………………. (your hair/cut) ?

4.      ………………………………….. (you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one ?

5.      A : What are those workmen doing in your garden ?

B : Oh, we ............................................................... (a garage/build).

6.      A : Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday ?

B : I’m afraid I …………………………..………… (not/the film/develop) yet.

7.      This coat is dirty. I must ………………………….……………. (it/clean).

8.      If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you ……………………..…… (your ears/pierce) ?

9.      A : I heard your computer wasn’t working.

B : That’s right, but it’s OK now. I …………………………………... (it/repair).

10.  Gary was in a fight last night. He …………………..……………. (nose/break).

11. Did I tell you about Jane ? She ………………….….......... (her handbag/steal) last week.

12. Did you hear about Peter ? He ……………………………………… (his car/vandalise) a few nights ago.

Ex 9: Complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs (in the correct form):

            ask      damage          hurt        pay     steal          sting      stop     use

1.      There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt.

2.      Alex ………….…………………… by a bee when he was sitting in the garden.

3.      These tennis courts don’t ……………………………very often. Not many people want to play.

4.      I used to have a bicycle, but it …………….………………… a few months ago.

5.      Rachel works hard but doesn’t ……….…………….………….. very much.

6.      Last night I ……………………………….…… by the police as I was driving home. One of the lights on my car wasn’t working.

7.      Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t want them to ………………….............

8.      People often want to know what my job is. I often …………….. that question.

Ex 10: Rewrite these library rules using active verbs with you as a subject.

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