Topic outline

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    Semestre: 1

    Unité d’enseignement: UET 1.1

    Matière 1: Anglais technique et terminologie

    VHS: 22h30 (Cours: 1h30)

    Crédits: 1

    Coefficient: 1

    • Compétences visées

      Initier l’étudiant au vocabulaire technique. Renforcer ses connaissances de la langue.

      L’aider à comprendre et à synthétiser un document technique. 
      Lui permettre de comprendre une conversation en anglais tenue dans un cadre scientifique.

      • Prérequis

        Connaissances préalables recommandées : 

        Connaissances minimales en vocabulaire et grammaire anglais

        • Programme

          • Reading skills: Reading, analysis and comprehension of texts related to technical fields.

          - vocabulary comprehension by word analysis and word building

          - sentence and clause comprehension by link words analysis 

          - using “-ly” adverbs as sentence modifiers or link words

          - using different “-ing” word formats

          - using “-wise/ways” and “-ware” word formats 

          - using the modals: Can, Shall, Will and Must.

          - expressing dimensions using adjectives

          • Listening comprehension: From authentic scientific video documents, note taking, summary and presentation of the document. (Presential applications with small student groups)

          • Oral expression : Presentation of a scientific or technical subject, development and exchange of oral messages (ideas and data), phone communication, Sign language expression. (Presential applications with small student groups)

          • Written expression : Extracting ideas from a scientific document, writing a scientific message, exchanging written information, CV writing, writing letters of application for internships or jobs.

          - writing skills for CVs

          - writing skills for official letters and applications

          • Références Bibliographiques

            1. P.T. Danison, Guide pratique pour rédiger en anglais: usages et règles, conseils pratiques, Editions d'Organisation 2007

            2. A.Chamberlain, R. Steele, Guide pratique de la communication: anglais, Didier 1992

            3. R. Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences appliquées: français-anglais, Dunod 2002.

            4. J. Comfort, S. Hick, and A. Savage, Basic Technical English, Oxford University Press, 1980

            5. E. H. Glendinning and N. Glendinning, Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Oxford University Press 1995

            6. T. N. Huckin, and A. L. Olsen, Technical writing and professional communication for nonnative speakers of English, Mc Graw-Hill 1991 

            7. J. Orasanu, Reading Comprehension from Research to Practice, Erlbaum Associates 1986

            8.\index.htm : ENGLISH  FOR TECHIES (AND NON-TECHIES, TOO); an online database for learning technical English and translating specialist documents intended for native speakers of French.

            9. Free grammar, vocabulary, speaking and writing lessons for EFL and ESL students.