Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

  • Lecture 1

    Introduction to the English Class with Mr.DJEBBAR. A common complaint of students or even teachers is that both feel isolated when dealing with online learning or teaching in a matter of fact. Hence, the aim behind this first lecture is to enable students to engage in an online lecture and to enhance their ability to pursue the online lectures for the year 2022-2023, hope we will have fun and much enjoyement together

  • Lecture 2

    Integrating the use of photos of favorite places or objects into an online course help students or learners in general to be encouraged to contribute or speak about their own experiences in a given country they have already visited or been through. In adittion to that, students will be able to express their own ideas in English using the past tenses

  • Lecture 3

        Numbers are a very important part of language. Not only do they allow us to express quantities(how much we want to buy, how much some owes us, our age,etc.) but they’re also very useful for periods of time. For instance, how would you refer to the year 1945?. Thus, the purpose behind this lecture is to enable students to know how to use numbers in English.

  • Lecture 4

                   One of the best ways to develop your English fluency is to learn well-known binomials. Binomial expressions are common English phrases that include a pair of words usually joined by “and” or “or” . They also help you to develop your English vocabulary. To that end, the pupose behind Lecture 4 is to come up with what Binomials really stand for.

  • First Riligious Debate

    Racism is a serious topic in our Islamic Religion. In a short text, we are going to discuss and justify with examples and arguments which side we are with/against, Hallal/Haram, ...etc.

  • Second RD

    Alcahol is another serious topic in our IR. In a short text, we are going to discuss the pov of Islam about it, Hallal/Haram, against/with.

  • Section 7

    • Section 8

      • Section 9

        • Section 10