Topic outline

  • Key Facts about the Nervous Sytem

    Presentation of the most important terms related to the actual unit




  • Parts of the NERVOUS SYSTEM and how it works

  • The Brain and the Nervous System

    We may ask ourselves several questions when we deal with the nervous system unit such as:

    * How do you remember the way to your friend's house? 

    * Why do your eyes blink without you ever thinking about it? 

    *Where do dreams come from? 

    the answer to these questions is that it's the brain which is in charge of these things and a lot more. 

    Therefore, what is the brain's role in the nervous system?

  • The Nervous System TD N°1

  • The Nervous System TD N°2

  • The Nervous System TD N°3

  • Keys to exercises

  • Topic 8

    • Topic 9

      • Topic 10