Topic outline

  • The Cardio-Vascular System



    - Chest pain

    - Associated factors

    - Relieving factors

    - Exacerbating factors

  • The Cardio-Vascular System TD

    Ischaemic Heart disease:

    • Risk factors
    • Dyspnoea
    • Ankle oedema
    • Palpitations
  • The Cardio-Vascular System TD2

    • Heart Failure
    • Clinical Examination & Reporting Findings
    • Investigations
  • The Cardio-Vascular System TD3

    Text & Reading Comprehension

    Title of the text: The Circulatory System

    1. Read the text and answer the questions
    2. True/False

  • Keys to exercises

  • Topic 6

    • Topic 7

      • Topic 8

        • Topic 9

          • Topic 10