Topic outline

  • The Digestive System - Introduction

    1- Introduction:

    Acute abdominal pain is defined as pain of non-traumatic origin with a maximum duration of 5 days and it represents a common complaint of patients presenting at the emergency department. There are many causes of acute abdominal pain that can be classified as urgent and non-urgent causes, the urgent causes require immediate treatment to prevent complications; mainly the location of pain, radiation can narrow the differential diagnosis. A complete evaluation is required to increase the diagnostic accuracy, leading to better outcomes.

    2- History

  • The Abdominal Pain

    1. How to take a history of present illness for abdominal pain
    2. How to gather a history of present illness

  • The Digestive System TD Part1

  • The Digestive System TD Part 2

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  • Topic 6

    • Topic 7

      • Topic 8

        • Topic 9

          • Topic 10