Topic outline

  • Research Methods in Education & Didactics

    University of Abou Bekr Belkaid- Tlemcen

    Faculty of Letters and Languages

    Department of English

    Module: Research Methods in Education & Didactics

    Level: M1

    Semester: S1&2

    Unit Type: Methodological


    ·        Contact Details

    Teacher' Name: 

    Prof. BOUKLIKHA Wassila (

    General Course Objectives

    This course aims to guide Master One students at the Section of English in the specialty of Didactics of Foreign Languages at Tlemcen University towards achieving competence and proficiency in research methodology and particularly in education.

    In more specific practical aims, the present course aims:

    ·        To enable Master One students understand what research is.

    ·        To support them in developing the most appropriate methodology for their research studies; and

    ·        To raise awareness of crucial aspect of the nature of Knowledge and the value of scientific method

    ·        To make them familiar with the art of using different research methods and techniques.

    ·        To  identify and justify the basic components of the research framework

  • Unit 1: Research

    According to Woody (cited in Kothari, 1990)

    “Research is a carefully inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; a diligent investigation to ascertain something; and this definition makes clear the fact that research is not merely a search for truth, but a prolonged, intensive, purposeful search. It constitutes a method for the discovery of truth which is really a method of critical thinking; it comprises defining and redefining problems; formulating hypotheses or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making decisions and reaching conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypotheses”.


  • Unit 3: Education


  • Unit 5: Research Methods in Education

  • Topic 6

    • Topic 7

      • Topic 8

        • Topic 9

          • Topic 10

            • Topic 11

              • Topic 12

                • Topic 13

                  • Topic 14

                    • Topic 15

                      • Topic 16

                        • Topic 17

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                            • Topic 19

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                                • Topic 21

                                  • Topic 22

                                    • Topic 23

                                      • Topic 24

                                        • Topic 25

                                          • Topic 26

                                            • Topic 27

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                                                  • Topic 30