Topic outline

  • General

    University: University of Abou-Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen

    Faculty: Letters and Languages

    Department: English

    Module: Study Skills (STSK)

    Level: 1st Year Students (L1)

    Semester: Semesters 1 and 2

    Unit Type: UE Méthodologique

    Coefficient: 02


    Class Meeting Time:  Thursday 8:30 to 10.

    Class Location: Room 32

    Course Period: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Instructor Name: Dr. Assia BENETTAYEB

    Email Address:

    Office Hours: Thursday 11:30.

                                                         Dr. Assia BENETTAYEB

  • Understanding University Study Skills

    * Read the lecture available at:

    PP 17-28 then do related tasks.

    * Watch the video about HOW YOU CAN BETTER UNDERSTAND UNIVERSITY STUDY SKILLS then reflect on university students with whom you share the same opinion about study skills (use short sentences).



    I-       Understanding University Study Skills

    ü Assignments A

    Graduate College | Drexel University

    1-      State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE then correct the false ones


    a-      Breaks are a must in your schedule during examinations.

    b-     A fixed study place is not obligatory but might be effective.

    c-      Word-stem formation is related to vocabulary development, not learning new words.

    d-     Physical learners are those who are kinesthetic in language learning.

    e-      Building good study habits helps the university learner to improve his study skills.

    f-       Auditory learners should not only listen to teachers but also speak and voice their questions.

    g-      Vocabulary can be learned through a single exposure.

    h-      Readiness to study helps to motivate any language learner.


    2-      Read the following statement and say which skill is it then relate it to two other skills.

    “It is the ability to use virtual means effectively”.

    3-      Give one example about storing skills.

    4-      Use the following words to define the 21st-century skills (studies- ability-correctly)


    ü Assignments B

    Top 6 Skills That University Students ...

    2-      State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE then correct the false ones


    a-      A fixed study location is crucial to deciding about revisions schedule

    b-     Study time is a matter of readiness to study

    c-      Word-stem formation is a strategy in language learning

    d-     Kinesthetic learners are those who use their body language to communicate the language.

    e-      Building good study habits makes university studies enjoyable routines that might improve study skills

    f-       Verbal learners do not only listen to teachers but also speak and voice their questions using language and body language.

    g-      Vocabulary cannot be learned but developed through multiple exposures.

    h-     Motivation to study helps language learners to get ready for studying.


    1-      Read the following statement and say which skill is it then relate it to two other skills.

    “It is the ability to reproduce what is understood from writing appropriately”.

    2-      Give one example about gathering skills.

    3-      Use the following words to define e-skills (effectively capacity technology).



    ü Assignments C

     Academic Skills for Learning on KEATS ...

    1-      State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE then correct the false ones


    a-      A balance should be kept between study habits and study routines in university studies

    b-     A schedule or a time planner is not obligatory in studying but might be effective.

    c-      Study skills are related to any abilities that might guarantee success in studying.

    d-     Non-verbal learners are those who are talkative when it comes to studies.

    e-      Building good study habits might help the university learner to improve his study skills.

    f-       Solitary learners are those who engage actively in non-cooperative classroom tasks.

    g-      Appropriate study location depends on the student’s preferences about studying

    h-     Readiness to study helps to set priorities about studies for any language learner.


    2-      Read the following statement and say which skill is it then relate it to two other skills.

    “It is the ability to re-think what you have achieved or not achieved to step towards improvement and change”.

    3-      Give one example about language skills.

    4-      Use the following words to define study skills (intelligence-crucial-improve)

    • Study Skills Identiffication

      * Read lectures available at:


      then do related activities.

      * Reflect on the above top five university skills given by some university students (use short sentences).

       10 Study Skills for Exam Success ...

      II- Study Skills Identification

      ü Assignments A

      Study skills | PPT

      1-      State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE then correct the false ones


      a-      Revisions are compulsory in any university learner’s study planner.

      b-     A fixed location of study is always a must in university studies.

      c-      Word-stem formation is related to words learning and language improvement.

      d-     Kinesthetic learners are those who are autonomous in language learning.

      e-      Building good study habits improves study skills in every university student.

      f-       Solitary learners should not only listen to teachers but also cooperate with their classmates.

      g-      Vocabulary can be easily learnt by visual learners through multiple exposures.

      h-     Setting priorities about studies is an innate skill that every university student should practise and develop.

      i-        Setting is a crucial matter for university study success.

      j-       Fixing the meaning of words is a language-learning strategy.

      2-      Identify the skill in each of the following definitions:


      a-      It is the ability to use technologies

      b-     It is the ability to achieve success in studies

      c-      It is the ability to be interested and focused in studies

      d-     It is the ability to control time under whatever conditions

      e-      It is the ability to remember stored information.

      3-    Fill in the gaps with the following words  (ineffective- learning- poor-inappropriate-successfully-techniques-study skills-good-appropriate-task)

      ……………..can be defined as the effective use of …………………techniques for completing a learning……………. In other words, a student who has………… study skills can ………………carry out a learning task (e.g. participating in class) by using appropriate ……………..(e.g., taking notes that paraphrase what the teacher has said) in an effective manner. A student with …………… skills may carry out the same ………………task using ………………….techniques or using appropriate techniques in an……………… manner.

      4-      Use the following words to define self-discipline (priorities- successfully).


      ü Assignments B

      Study skills | Tampere University

      1-      Name one study skills you need most in university studies then define it briefly

      2-      Read the following two definitions and say which skill is it:

      ·         “It is the ability to reproduce what is understood from writing appropriately”.

      ·          “It is the ability to use virtual means effectively”

      3-      Guess then fix the meaning of the following idiom: Absence makes the heart grow fonder’.

      4-      Use the following words to define a skill (effective- competence-correctly).


      ü Assignments C

      Language Skills

      1-      State if the following information are true or false. Correct the false ones:

      a-      Extensive reading is a life-long skill.

      b-     Fixing the meaning of words is a study skill.

      c-      Setting in studying is a minor matter.

      d-     A skill is an individual competence.

      e-      Word stem identification is very important in guessing the meaning of words

      f-       Self-discipline is related to priorities in studying.

      g-      Motivation and readiness are closely related to each other but different.

      h-     Getting organized is a key factor in study time management.

      i-        A student with poor vocabulary is certainly a poor-skill user.

      j-       Wrong guessing of words’ meanings from context reduces students’ vocabulary.


      2-      Give one example to define each of the following study skills:

      Time management-Planning-Readiness-e skills

      • Study Routines, Habits and Styles.

        * Read the lecture available at:

        PP 19-24.

        then do related tasks.

        * Watch the video about HOW TO BUILD GOOD STUDY HABITS then reflect on university students with whom you agree/disagree about some study habits (open discussion).


        III. Study Routines, Habits and Styles

        ü Assignments A

        Skills a University Student should have ...

        1-      Read the list of skills then underline study skills only:


        Motivation/ critical thinking/ honesty/academic reading/ listening/ cooperation/ study setting/ plagiarism/ planning/ time-management/modesty.

        2-      Indicate the exact approach for each definition (lecture-conference-seminar-workshop-tutorial-independent learning):

        a-      It is large in size, audience, and contents and generally theoretical.

        b-     It helps to discuss details about a specific subject matter.

        c-      It is detailed, specific, and about a particular field.

        d-     It makes part of a conference and is targeted to give individual support.

        e-      It encourages responsibility and risk-taking.

        f-       It is more beneficial for individual improvement and autonomy.

        3-      State if the following statements are true or false then correct the false ones:

        a-Logical students are always cooperative in studying.

        b-     Solitary and social students always cooperate in learning.

        c-      Visual students are more interested in pictures, images, and drawings in the language classroom than verbal students who are more sociable and communicative in language learning.

        d-     Visual students cannot be auditory and kinesthetic at the same time.

        e- E-reading-writing students are practical in their studies.

        4- Use the following words: schedule-priorities-control-list-objectives and give three tips to  

            a university student who fails to manage his time.

        ü Assignments B

        Comprehensive Guide to 21st Century Skills

        1-      Read the list of skills then underline 21st-century skills only:

        Critical thinking/ academic reading/ flexibility/ cooperation/ coaching/ plagiarism/ planning/e-learning/ time-management/taking-responsibility/problem-solving/risks-taking.

        2-      Indicate the exact skill for each definition:

        a-      It is the gathering of information from different resources

        b-     It helps remember all the stored data and details

        c-      It is very important to organize and control time

        d-     It is beneficial for re-using the already grouped knowledge

        e-      It encourages readiness to achieve a particular task

        f-       It is the ability to use technologies effectively.

        3-      State if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE then correct the false ones:

        a-      Notes-taking goes through different complementary steps

        b-     Visual students should not only visualize the teacher’s writings but have also to speak, participate, and cooperate in learning especially for making notes.

        c-      Acronyms and symbols facilitate the processes of notes-taking and notes-making

        d-     Notes-taking is beneficial for notes-making

        e-      Study skills are innate capacities to study.

        f-       Abbreviations are more specific than acronyms

        g-      Mapping is a final step in notes-making

        h-     Use the words (review-order-map) to give three tips to a university student who fails to make notes.

        ü Assignments C

        Skills workshops - Studying at York ...

        1-      Answer the following questions:

        a. Fill in the gaps in the passage

        Studying at ……………..involves new……………. that help every individual ……………….actively………….. in his ……………by approaching ……………different………... As a university…………….. you are therefore expected to ………….these skills, ………………….and ………………them progressively.

        b.      Give a title to the passage

        c.       Name three skills you judge to be crucial in university success. Define one of them.

        d.      Replace skill in the text with another word without changing the meaning of the contents.

        2-      Read the passage then answer the questions:

        It is defined as the enthusiasm for doing something. It is an important predictor of learning and the reason for acting or behaving in a particular way. It helps students to set goals for their studies and challenge difficulties to reach these goals.

        a-      Which skill is defined in the passage? Give your definition.

        b-     Guess the meaning of the underlined words in the passage.

        c-      Name two skills that are closely related to the already defined skill (in the passage). Explain the relationship between them.

        • Paragraphing, Punctuation and Outlining Skills in Writing

          * Read the lecture available at:

          PP 64-78 

          How to Write a ParagraphParagraph Poster Worksheets | Paragraph writing, Teaching ...Punctuation Marks in English: How to Use Them

          * Watch the video about HOW YOU CAN WRITE A GOOD PARAGRAPH then discuss with your classmates the best two tips suggested in the video.



          IV- Paragraphing  and Punctuation Skills in Writing


          ü Assignments A

          Ø Regarding study skills lectures answer the following questions:

          1-   Define what a paragraph is and state three characteristics of an effective paragraph.

          2-   Use the appropriate punctuation marks in the passage below then provide it with a suitable title.

          Errors are believed to be an indicator of the learners' stages in their target language development from the errors that learners commit one can determine their level of mastery of the language system the investigation of errors has thus a double purpose it is diagnostic and prognostic because it can tell us the learner’s language state at a given point during the learning process and prognostic because it can tell course organizers to reorient language learning materials based on the learners' current problems

          Reading and Writing: What's the ...


          3-      Describe the complementary relationship between reading and writing.


          4-      Fix in one word answer what is defined in the following statements:


          ·         A punctuation mark used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of a text is……………………...

          ·         A way of making visible to the reader the stages in the writer’s thinking is ……………

          ·         The act or practice of interesting standardized marks or signs in written matter to clarify the meaning and separate structural units is …………………………………….

          ·         A structure of a language that is inevitable for the improvement of learning is ………...

          5-      Give two tips about exam preparation (drafting/editing) for novice university students (1st-year students)


          ü Assignments B


          Ø  Answer the following questions:


          1-      Fill-in the gaps in the passage

          2-      Punctuate the passage

          3-      Define the skill involved in the passage and suggest two other study skills that help to develop language learning.



          It is largely agreed that the…………..way to…………………knowledge of a ……………language is to go and leave among its…………………and the next best way is to read………………in it reading………………………..a lot of self-selected………………….such as books novels short stories and diaries is an extravagant………………which if……………….in every student will make him taste its……………………on…………… general and ………………improvement in…………………… the university…………….are required to read and………..a lot of…………of different………….if………..regularly……………..reading will……………….students……………….all the other language……………… well………..spelling and……………….knowledge.

          Examination Process

          4- Use a table and select tips from information about examination preparation in what follows:


          ü   Do not cram at the last seconds before the exam.

          ü  Note-taking skill helps in exams’ revisions.

          ü  Avoid multi-tasks while preparing for an exam

          ü  Make sure to get plenty of rest and sleep

          ü  Exams are serious occasions to test your study skills

          ü  Remember that cheating in exams is not at all allowed and it leads to expel.


          5-      Provide your classmates with three tips about study skills pre-exam revisions.


          ü Assignments C


          1- Fill in gaps in the passage:


          It is important at the university level that students read……………self-selected………….of different…………..because reading………………will help………not only…………..their vocabulary but also………………in general and……………………in particular.


          2-      Use the appropriate punctuation marks in the passage then provide it with a suitable title:


          Reading and writing are two complementary language skills though different they strongly interact with each other the ability to write clear and logical assignments or reports is an essential academic and professional skill academic reading involves identifying new ideas understanding different perspectives and developing an understanding of a particular topic it is widely argued that good readers make good writers and vice-versa

          3-Read 'STEPS OF WRITING AN OUTLINE' lecture available at:

          PP 75-76.

          then do related activities.


          How to Write an Essay Outline in 4 ...Good Outline for an Academic Paper

          3-      Outlining is important in writing because it helps students achieve some aims, state three of them.

          4- Use the template (outline) and write an outline about university study skills.

          How to Write an Outline |

          5-      There are some crucial information about the examination that every student should know and respect, mention three of them.


          • Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Skills ‘More Assignments’.

            * Read the lecture available at:

            PP 37-50 

            then do related tasks.

            * Watch the video about HOW YOU CAN IMPROVE UNIVERSITY WRITING BY PRACTISING READING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY  then outline the major and minor steps suggested in the video.



            V- Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Skills ‘More Assignments’

            *Extensive Reading Practice

            * Read the lecture available at:

            PP 53-56.

            Then do related activities.

            Extensive Reading | Quizizz

            1-      Define extensive reading and give two of its benefits for university learners.

            * Intensive Reading Vs Extensive Reading

            Chapter 8 – Reading and Decoding - ppt ...

            2-      State the difference between intensive and extensive reading.

            3-      Select a material and read it extensively respecting the following:

            a-      Length: more than 200 pages

            b-     In the English language

            c-      Novel

            d-     Book-report sheet includes: The novel tile, impression about the novel, summary (one-page length), personal reflection, learnt vocabulary (at least 4 words and their synonyms).

            you can use the following template:

            Book Report Templates & Reading Worksheets

            4-      Use the appropriate punctuation marks in the passage then provide it with a suitable title.

            Taking- notes while studying will help you learn the material as well as help you prepare for tests some of the material you will learn will be tested by listening questions eg definitions of terms facts and specific ideas no one is expected to remember every fact term or idea put in a text you must learn how to separate what must be learned from what needs to be learnt ie you must develop the ability to recognize what is significant

            5-      Give two characteristics of outlining in writing.

            6-      Justify why is grammar important in language learning.

            7-       Fill –in the gaps in the passage:

            Time-management is ……………. in ……………..studies. It is about ……………………… Managing time is important for university students because it helps them……………………and…………………………


            8-      Explain why is vocabulary crucial in language learning. Give examples.

            9-      Define the following learning styles:

            Key Types of Learning Styles Explained ...


            a-      A physical (kinesthetic) learner

            b-     A logical (mathematical) learner

            c-      A solitary (intrapersonal) learner.


            10-  Give three tips to help university students build good study habits.

            11-  Fix the meaning of the following proverbs:


            -          ‘She was like a cat on hot bricks’.

            -          ‘Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it’.

            -          ‘First come, first served’.

            -          ‘A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’.

            -          ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’.


            12-  Cooperation, problem-solving, and coaching are 21st-century skills that you need to know and develop. Concerning your knowledge about these skills do the following:

            a-      Define each skill separately using synonyms.

            b-     Try to bridge the gap between the three skills so that they serve each other and complete one another.

            c-      Give percentages about your involvement in these skills using classroom examples.


            13-   Work in groups and practice the already defined 21st-century skills of cooperation, problem-solving, and coaching and prepare a list of directives for examinations to first-year university students.




            • SECTION7