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  • Course details

                     University of Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen 

              Faculty of letters and languages 

         Department of English 

    Module: Reading Comprehension                                        

    Level: L2

    Semester: 2

    Coefficient: 1

    How to improve reading comprehension? Best practices

  • Lecture One

    The lesson will begin with the preparation task, through which students will become familiar with the difficult words in the text to attain good comprehension. Students will then be asked to read the text silently for 15 minutes. Following the aloud reading, students will be required to engage in a discussion about the topic of the text, the Science of sleep. Then, they do the first True/False/ Not Given activity, followed by a multiple-choice activity, and lastly a fill-in the gap task. 

  • Lecture Two

    The lesson will begin with the preparation task, through which students will become familiar with the difficult words in the text to attain good comprehension. Students will then be asked to read the text silently for 20 minutes. Following the aloud reading, students will be required to engage in a discussion about the topic of the text, the real risks of artificial intelligence. Then, they do the first True/False/ Not Given activity, followed by a multiple-choice activity, and lastly a fill-in the gap task. 

  • Lecture Three

    The lesson will start by dealing with the difficult words in the preparation task. Then the students will read the text silently for 15 minutes prior to reading it aloud. Students will be asked some general questions about the topic of the text which is Mindfulness, after which they will do the first activity, which is a TRUE/False activity. The second activity is a reflection task, wherein students will be given statements and scenarios to consolidate their comprehension of what being mindful is versus what not being mindful is.

    In the last task which is a production task, students will be required to provide their own definition of Mindfulness and analyze their own daily situations wherein they are usually unmindful to find solutions to overcome this problem. 

  • Lecture Four

    This lesson will begin by the preparation task wherein students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the difficult words in the text to be able to attain general comprehension while reading. Students will then be asked to read the text silently for 15 minutes to be able to read it aloud afterwards. Following the aloud reading students will be required to answer some general comprehension questions about the topic of the text which is mental health. Then, they will do the first True/False activity, followed by a fill-in the gap activity and lastly a reflection task, wherein they will have to define concepts and suggest how we can foster good mental health in the educational settings for both teachers and students.  

  • Lecture Five

    This lesson will begin with a preparation task to familiarize students with difficult terms, aiding their understanding of the text which talks about the importance of law. They will then read the text silently for 15 minutes before embarking on reading it aloud. Next, they will complete a true/false and correction of false statements exercise to test their comprehension, followed by identifying the writer's central points. Students will then match headings to paragraphs to help them identify key points and grasp each paragraph's main idea. The lesson will conclude with an open discussion where students share their thoughts on the topic in relation to Algerian society, exchanging ideas and debating respectfully.