Read the student paragraph below carefully:


                                 Something Wild

For my 25th birthday, my favorite uncle gave me a gift certificate to go skydiving at a special place near Miami. I was happy because I wanted to do something wild . On the day of my jump, I woke up with a crazy feeling in my stomach. I could not eat breakfast because of my nerves. After we arrived at the place, I had to sign a lot of papers because of the risk involved. I signed them quickly because I did not want to think about the danger. Before I knew it, I was on the plane with my parachute on my back. The only thing I could think was "what am I dong ?"One of the staff opened the door of the plane and told me to get ready. I put my right foot over the edge and waited for the signal..."three, two, one..." and then I was free falling, going down at almost two hundred kilometers per hour. I was shouting, and I could not feel adrenaline running through me. Nearby, there was another guy taking photos. I like to take photos too. Then the parachute opened, and the next five minutes were the most incredible moments of my life. I was floating completely free, like a bird. All my problems were gone, and I could see curve of the earth, the ocean, and faraway clouds off the shore. It was awesome. Those wonderful moments helped me to realize that I am the kind of person who likes to take risks, and I hope I always will be.

1/ Responding to the paragraph:

a- Where was the author when he had the experience?.................................................................................


b- Why did the author jump out the airplane?......................... ........................................................................................................

c- How did the author feel while in the air?..............................


2/ Examining the organization of the paragraph

a- Underline the topic sentence. What background details does it include?............................................................................


b- How does the author feel about jumping out of an airplane? Why do you think he feels this way? ........................


c- Does the event take place in one location?........................


d- Cross the sentence that is not directly related to the topic sentence of the paragraph?

e- Underline the concluding sentence. What did the author learn from his experience?..........................................................
