About the Subject / About the Lecturer

·         University: Abou-Bekr Belkaid-Tlemcen

·         Faculty: Technology

·         Department: Electrical and Electronic engineering

          Specialty: Automotive engineering

·         Module/ Subject: Technical English

·         Level: 2nd year LMD students

·         Semester: 1

·         Unit Type: Transversal unit

·         Coefficient: 1

·         Credit: 1

·         Teaching Method : Online / On class.

·         Instructor Name:  Miss  LOUADJ Saadia

·         Email Address / Teams Account:  saadialouadj98@gmail.com

           Phone number :0-5-40-37-59-45 

·         Course Period: 10 sessions

          Duration:  1hour 30 minutes per week

          Tuesday : 11:30 - 13:00

          Evaluation: CC (Continuous Evaluation) 40%   and Final Exam 60%

YOU CAN MEET YOUR TEACHER: Students might contact the teacher through Microsoft teams, moodle platform chats, email, or at university if necessary.