Aim of the Module

 This course should enable the student to acquire a level of language significant enough for them. Moreover, to allow them to use a scientific document and talk about their specialty and their sector in English, at least, with a certain ease and clarity.


      • Learning Objectives:

 By the end of the first semester our dear students will be able to :

  • Have a safe space for the students to express themselves and have fun in an educationally effective way.
  • Develop their language skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading.
  • Understand and interpret verbal and non verbal texts, also to communicate appropriately and effectively (Socialize through oral and written messages).
  • Gain and show their confidence and capability through speaking in different  topics using the new vocabulary.
  • Work in pairs or in groups, and show responsibility toward team work.
  •  Understand and be familiar with the basic concepts and terminology of the sociology and human sciences in general, and reinforce their ability to understanding scientific words in different contexts.
  • Build the ability to skim and scan specialized texts.
  • Accept and cherish their diversity.