Video conferencing room for session Two: Discuss and answer questions

Instruction One: Discuss the content of videos 1, 2 and 3. 

Instruction Two: Find answers to the following questions in Global citizenship video and discuss with your classmates and instructor. 

1. Why does the speaker suggest that we should look within ourselves before seeking to help others?

2. What is the concept of In-Group bias, and how can it be both beneficial and harmful?

3. Why does the speaker advocate for humanity as our in-group rather than focusing on specific groups or cultures?

4. How can global citizenship and global mindedness lead to better career, financial, and life outcomes according to the speaker?

5. What are the four approaches to acculturation mentioned by the speaker, and what do they entail?

6. How did the speaker initially approach acculturation when adapting to a new environment, and why did they feel disconnected and isolated?

7. According to the speaker's personal experience, what mindset shift was necessary to embrace global citizenship without compromising core values?

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