Programme of Semester One

1.       What is Linguistics?


-The Scientific Criteria in Linguistic Research

2.       Traditional Language Studies (TLS)

    - Classical Grammar

     -Medieval Grammar 

    - Pedagogical Grammar 

    - Comparative Philology

- Main Contributions of Traditional Grammar

3. Modern Linguistics (ML)

4. Approaches to Language and Linguistics


    -Descriptive Linguistics

    -Micro Linguistics and Macro Linguistics

5. What is Language?


     - Linguistic Definitions of Language

     - Dictionary Definitions of Language

     -Features Common to All Languages

     - Universal Properties of Language

6. De Saussure’s Theoretical Linguistic Concepts

     -  Introduction

     -  Langue and Parole

     - Synchrony and Diachrony

      - Linguistic Sign: Signifier and Signified

     - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations

7. Chomsky's Competence and Performance

     - Competence vs. Performance

     -Language Acquisition Device   (LAD) and Universal Grammar (UG)