Programme of the Second Semester

1.      A General Description of the English Consonants

- Place of Articulation

-Manner of Articulation

- Voicing

2. Plosives

    - Description of a plosive

    - Place of Articulation of Plosives

3. The Phoneme

4. Phonetics vs. Phonology

5. Supra-Segmental Phonology

6. Fricatives

    - Description

    - Minimal Pairs

    - The Sound    - h-

7. Affricates

8. Nasals

    - Description

9. Latetral

   - Description

   -Some Characteristics

10. Approximants

   - Description

   - Place of articulation

   - The phoneme /r/

   - The phonemes /w/, /j/

 11. Conclusion