Citizenship Skills

Aims: Teaching citizenship to EFL students is important because they will be empowered with different skills namely: personal, cultural, social ...  The main aim of this is to raise awareness among students about the importance of acting as good / active citizens. Knowing that Abou Bekr Belkaid university of Tlemcen is a diverse university where different people from different nationalities are enrolled as students, this lesson sheds light on different types of citizenship such as: active citizenship, digital citizenship and global citizenship which will teach 'inclusiveness' and 'acceptance of the other' to EFL students. 
By the end of this lesson, students will learn different skills of citizenship and will learn how they can best practice them in democratic contexts. 

This lesson will be broken into three different sessions: Discussion the concept of citizenship, Discussing different types of citizenship, and discussing 21t century citizenship skills. Each of these sessions will require 1h. 30 mnts.

Session Four

Warm-up discussion: 

What does the status as ' a citizen '  mean to you ? 
What are the rights and responsibilities do you have as a citizen ?
What are the different types of citizenship you may know ?

Part One: Discussing the concept of citizenship 

Listening Phase:

Check the videos to the following video

Video 1:                      


video 2:  

video 3: 

Part Two:  Discussing different types of citizenship

Listening phase : 

Check the following videos


video2: Digital Citizenship | Things Explained | PBS LearningMedia

Part Three: Citizenship Skills

Now that you have dealt with the concept of citizenship and discussed different types of it, discuss and share with your friends during the video-conferencing session some citizenship skills that are essential in the 21st century.