Fake it till you make it

Session Two

Aim: This session carries on the previous session discussion of oral presentation skills.

Objectives: Students will develop their confidence in speaking skills and presentation in particular with regards to several key factors.


So watch the video and take notes of how we can fake it till we make it 

When it comes to body language and eye contact during a presentation, there are several key factors to consider to project confidence and engage your audience effectively. Here are some essential tips:

1. Maintain Eye Contact: Direct eye contact is crucial for establishing a connection with your audience. Aim for 2-3 seconds of eye contact with each audience member, moving your gaze around the room to include everyone. This helps to build trust and credibility.

2. Posture: Good posture is vital for projecting confidence. Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Avoid leaning forward or backward, which can give the impression of being nervous or uncertain.

3. Hand Gestures: Use hand gestures naturally and sparingly to emphasize key points. Avoid fidgeting or using gestures that may be distracting or unprofessional.

4. Facial Expressions: Smile and use facial expressions to convey enthusiasm and engagement. Avoid frowning or looking anxious, as these can undermine your confidence and credibility.

5. Relaxed Flow: Speak at a natural pace and avoid rushing through your presentation. Pause occasionally to allow your audience to absorb the information and maintain a relaxed flow.

6. Avoid Closed-Off Body Language: Steer clear of closed-off body language such as crossing your arms or legs, which can give the impression of being defensive or unapproachable. Instead, use open body language like uncrossed arms and legs, which can convey confidence and approachability.

7. Vocal Vigor: Speak clearly and confidently, using a strong and steady tone. Avoid filler words like "um" or "ah," and pause briefly before important points to add emphasis.

8. Engage Your Audience: Engage your audience by asking questions, responding to their comments, and encouraging participation. This helps to build a connection and keeps the audience engaged.

By incorporating these body language and eye contact tips into your presentation, you can effectively project confidence and connect with your audience, ultimately enhancing your public speaking abilities.