Assimilation Definition

what is assimilation in English phonology

Assimilation in English phonology refers to the process where a sound changes to become more similar to a neighboring sound. This process is common in English and can occur within a word or between words. It is a natural part of the way we speak and is influenced by the sounds that surround it.

Assimilation can occur in two main types: complete assimilation and partial assimilation. Complete assimilation is where the sound is changed to be exactly the same as the sound causing the assimilation. Partial assimilation is where the sound is changed to be similar to the sound causing the assimilation but still retains some of its original features[1][2][3].

There are different aspects of assimilation in English phonology. One common type is anticipatory assimilation, where the sound is influenced by the sound that comes before it. For example, the /n/ sound in the word "handbag" is pronounced as /m/ because the /m/ and /b/ sounds are both bilabial consonants and their sites of articulation are similar[1].

Assimilation is a common phenomenon in English and is particularly noticeable in rapid speech. It is also more likely to occur in casual, informal speech rather than in slow, careful speech[1][2][3].

In summary, assimilation in English phonology is the process where a sound changes to become more similar to a neighboring sound, often due to the influence of the sounds that surround it. This process is common in English and can occur within a word or between words, and it is influenced by the sounds that surround it[1][2][3].


[1] Assimilation in language?

[2] [PDF] Assimilation of Consonants in English and Assimilation of the Definite ...

[3] Phonetic Assimilation: Types and Examples - Vaia

[4] [PDF] Assimilation and elision - Onestopenglish

[5] Assimilation: When Two Sounds Combine - Tools for Clear Speech

[6] [PDF] Assimilation in English Connected Speech

[7] Assimilation (Grammar) Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo

[8] Assimilation in English Language | PPT - SlideShare