

a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimetre, used mainly to express wavelengths and interatomic distances.

 Antoine Lavoisier

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, ci-devant de Lavoisier, né le 26 août 1743 à Paris et guillotiné le 8 mai 1794 à Paris, est un chimiste, philosophe et économiste français, souvent présenté comme le père de la chimie moderne


Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro, Count of Quaregna and Cerreto was an Italian scientist, most noted for his contribution to molecular theory now known as Avogadro's law, which states that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will contain equal numbers of molecule

 J J Thomson

Sir Joseph John Thomson (18 December 1856 – 30 August 1940) was a British physicist and Nobel Laureate in Physics, credited with the discovery of the electron, the first subatomic particle to be found.

 John Dalton

John Dalton FRS was an English chemist, physicist and meteorologist. He introduced the atomic theory into chemistry. He also researched colour blindness, which he had; as a result, colour blindness is known as Daltonism in several languages


Robert Andrews Millikan was an American experimental physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1923 for the measurement of the elementary electric charge and for his work on the photoelectric effect. Millikan graduated from Oberlin College in 1891 and obtained his doctorate at Columbia University in 1895.


Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, (30 August 1871 – 19 October 1937) was a New Zealand physicist who was a pioneering researcher in both atomic and nuclear physics. Rutherford has been described as "the father of nuclear physics

Modifié le: lundi 22 juillet 2024, 18:05