Detailed content
Chapter 1: Introduction to Mobile Apps development.
This section introduces the different types of mobile apps as well as existing development Frameworks.
Chapter 2: Flutter overview.
This section is an introduction to the Flutter system. It also includes the installation instructions of Flutter on Windows and MacOS as well as the structure of a Flutter project.
Chapter 3: Fundamental bases of Dart programming language.
This section focuses on the fundamental basics of the Dart language that are necessary for developing mobile app with flutter.
Chapter 4: Flutter core concepts.
This section introduces Flutter graphical and interactive components that include many UI widgets that can be customized to create visually attractive and responsive user interfaces.
Chapter 5: Multi-screens apps (Navigation & Routing).
This section discusses Navigation and Routing used to develop multi-screens apps, i.e. mobile apps where content is divided into various pages and users can navigate between these pages with ease.
Chapter 6: MVC desing pattern.
This section introduces the most
used design pattern, MVC, which is employed to
structure and organize the project's internal code of the
application to make it readable, reusable, and extensible.
Chapter 7: Data storage.
This section introduces different storage options used in Flutter (local, secure & remote).
Chapter 8: State
This section presents two
state management solutions: Provider and Blocs,
which are essential and complex aspects used to build
dynamic Flutter apps within large projects.
Chapter 9: Advanced
UI graphic components.
This section shows how
to integrate advanced graphical widgets as well as
animation and visual effects into a Flutter app.
Chapter 10: Advanced concepts of Flutter.
This section discusses advanced Flutter features such as access to device functionalities (camera, GPS, …) as well as the use of API (Google Maps) and REST API while manipulating JSON files.