Overview of Focus and Method for an Extended Essay


  • Choosing a Topic: Select a topic that genuinely interests you.

Ensure the topic is specific enough to explore thoroughly within the 4,000-word limit but broad enough to allow for comprehensive research.

Formulating the Research Question: Develop a clear, concise, and focused research question that guides your investigation (IBO, 2018).

The question should be researchable, allowing you to gather and analyze data effectively.


Assess the availability of resources and the scope of the research within the given time frame and word limit.

Ensure you have access to the necessary primary and secondary sources (Denscombe, 2014).


Research: Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing research and identify gaps your work could address (Cottrell, 2019).

Decide on primary vs. secondary sources based on your research question and available resources.

Planning and Organization: Create a detailed outline and timeline for your essay, breaking down the tasks into manageable steps (Turabian, 2018). Organize your essay into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis, conclusion, and references.

Data Collection and Analysis: Choose appropriate research methods (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) based on your research question (Creswell, 2014).

Collect and analyze data ethically and systematically.

Writing: Draft your essay, focusing on articulating your arguments and supporting them with evidence.

Revise your draft multiple times, seeking feedback from your supervisor and peers to refine your work (Silvia, 2015).

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