Becoming a confident Public Speaker



While Listening

Task 1: Watch and listen to the following video then answer the questions below

1. What percentage of the population has an intense fear of public speaking?
2. What is glossophobia, and why is it significant in relation to public speaking?
3. How did a study by Texas Christian University link trait anxiety to physical symptoms of distress during public speaking?
4. Why is being prepared important for overcoming the fear of public speaking?
5. What are some key tips for maintaining good posture and physicality during a speech?
6. How can a speaker engage with their audience effectively during a presentation?
7. What are the main components of the Triple P method for successful public speaking?
Becoming a confident public speaker

Task 2: Watch and listen to the video again then answer then choose the suitable option

1. Which of the following accurately characterizes the video's description of public speaking as a phobia among Americans?
a/ It is seen as the most terrifying phobia, surpassing even the fear of snakes.
b/ It is a highly prevalent phobia, affecting an estimated 70% of the population.
c/ It is a relatively uncommon phobia, affecting only a small minority of the population.
d / It is a phobia that primarily affects individuals with pre-existing anxiety disorders.
2. According to the video, what is the primary purpose of the "posture and physicality" step in the "Triple P" method for effective public speaking?
a/ To ensure the speaker projects a confident and poised physical presence.
b/ To teach the speaker techniques for controlling nervous habits and fidgeting.
c/ To demonstrate the proper way to hold and reference notes during the speech.
d/ To provide the speaker with exercises for improving their vocal projection.
3/ The video suggests that incorporating humor and casual asides into a speech is primarily intended to:
a. Entertain the audience and keep them engaged.
b. Demonstrate the speaker's relaxed and personable demeanor.
c/ Cover up any awkward silences that may arise during the speech.
d/ Establish a sense of rapport and connection with the audience.
4. Which of the following is highlighted in the video as a key aspect of effectively "pandering to the audience" during a public speech?
a/ Maintaining a serious and formal tone throughout the presentation.
b/ Strictly adhering to a pre-written script or set of speaking notes.
c/ Actively seeking to gain the sympathy and goodwill of the audience.
d/ Avoiding any personal anecdotes or attempts at humor or levity.
5. What does the video suggest is the primary purpose of the "prepare" step in the "Triple P" method?
a/ To ensure the speaker has thoroughly rehearsed and memorized the speech.
b/ To enable the speaker to present the material in a logical and compelling manner.
c/ To allow the speaker to anticipate and address potential questions from the audience.
d/ Both B and C are accurate representations of the video's emphasis on the "prepare" step.
6. According to the video, what is the recommended approach for dealing with any silences that may occur during a public speech?
a/ Apologize to the audience and explain the reason for the pause.
b/ Quickly resume reading from the prepared speaking notes.
c/ Maintain a poised and composed demeanor until the audience responds.
d/ Actively acknowledge the silence and turn it into a lighthearted moment.
7. What does the video identify as a key benefit of the speaker maintaining good posture and physical control during a public presentation?
a/ It allows the speaker to project a sense of authority and command over the audience.
b/ It enables the speaker to better control their vocal delivery and modulate their tone.
c/ It helps the speaker avoid distracting nervous habits that can undermine their credibility.
d/ All of the above are accurately reflected in the video's discussion of posture and physicality.

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