University: University of Abou-Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen

Faculty: Letters and Languages

Department: English

Module: Study Skills (STSK)

Level: 1st Year Students (L1)

Semester: Semesters 1 and 2

Unit Type: UE Méthodologique

Coefficient: 02




Class Meeting Time:  Thursday 8:30 to 10.

Class Location: Room 32

Course Period: 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructor Name: Dr. Assia BENETTAYEB

Email Address:

Office Hours: Thursday 11:30.


Course Description:

‘Study Skills Assignments for 1st Year University Students’ is a course that exposes students to the different tasks and assignments they may come across in study skills learning. It is a synthesis of possible activities they can exercise to ensure skills learning and practice. The course is divided into six main sequences (Understanding University Study Skills, Study Skills Identification, Study Routines, Habits and Styles, Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Skills, Paragraphing and Punctuation Skills in Writing, and More Assignments) each of which comprise a set of assignments (A, B and C) and the ‘More Assignment’ sequence comprising consolidation tasks about extensive reading practice, grammar construction, and correction, using English dictionaries, tips for examination preparation and sitting.

Course Objectives:

-          Knowing and understanding different skills

-          Identifying skills and differentiating them.

-          Practising skills in isolation and then in integration

-          Identifying study routines, habits, and learning styles

-          Building good studying habits

-          Fixing study setting (Time/place of study)

-          Learning more vocabulary (Words stem, guessing /fixing meanings)

-          Practice extensive reading and preparing a book report sheet.

-          Learning about correct grammar construction of a sentence

-          Learning some reading, writing, and vocabulary skills

-          Learning paragraphing and punctuation skills in correct writing

-          Improving reading and writing skills

-          Learning how to outline.

-          Learning how to use different types of dictionaries

-          Using and directing tips/advice about preparing and sitting for exams.



-          Skills’ learning

-          Skills’ identification

-          Skills in practice.

Course Programme (Outline):




(Related Lectures are available at:

I-         Understanding University Study Skills.

ü  Assignments A

ü  Assignments B

ü  Assignments C

II-      Study Skills Identification.

ü  Assignments A

ü  Assignments B

ü  Assignments C

III-          Study Routines, Habits and Styles.

ü  Assignments A

ü  Assignments B

ü  Assignments C

IV-          Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Skills.

ü  Assignments A

ü  Assignments B

ü  Assignments C

V-       Paragraphing and Punctuation Skills in Writing.

ü  Assignments A

ü  Assignments B

ü  Assignments C


VI-          More Assignments.


Classroom Policies:

-          Exposition of the input

-          Clarification of the contents

-          Practice and illustrations

-          Intensive assignments

-          Extensive assignments


Evaluation Method: The evaluation of students goes as follow:

-          Written test+ classroom evaluation

-          Formal written exam.

Bibliography and Suggested Resources:

-          Allan, B. (2010). Study skills handbookHull University Business School.

-          Benettayeb, A. (2023). Study Skills Guide. Konouz Edition.

-          Benettayeb, A.(2021). Study Skills in Practice (A Course for University Students). Konouz Edition. (2nd Edition).

-          Carroll ,R.T. (1990). Student Success Guide- Study Skills. Sacramento.

-          Yorkey, R.C. (1970). Study Skills for Students of English as a Second Language. MacGrow -Hill Book Company.