Cours d'anglais en ligne pour tous niveaux

Work on understanding and expression from academic texts on biological topics (Cellular biology , Molecular Biology , Nutrition , Immunology , Biochemistry, Microbiology , Agriculture , Aquaculture , .....)

  • Oral expression and scientific terminology
  • Understanding of scientific works (Structure, translation , Redation )
  • Equip biology students with the essential reading skills (pronunciation , vocabulary buildings ........), writing skills (proper grammatical constructions, spellings .....) , speaking skills (english accent training , voice modulation and tone .........) , and listening skills (understanding spoken speech, listening to understand informations and responding to questions asked ...........) necessary to navigate the English-speaking world of scientific research and communication.
  • Build strong foundation in grammar ( verbs , adjectives , comparative and superlative adjectives , prepositions , conjunctions, ......)
  • Oral training through courses followed by discussions