Weekly outline

  • Course Presentation

    This course introduces first-year EFL students to academic writing, starting from the sentence level up to paragraph writing. It seeks to identify the components, characteristics, and the organisation of a basic paragraph, and then apply this knowledge to write a paragraph. It is composed of two chapters. While chapter one includes the format and the organisation of a paragraph (the topic, supporting, and concluding sentence), chapter two encompasses unity and coherence in paragraph writing.

  • Teacher's Contact Details


    University: Abou-Bekr Belkaid-Tlemcen

    Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages

    Department: English

    Module: Comprehension and Written Expression (CWE)

    Level: 1st year EFL students

    Semester: 1

    Unit Type: fundamental unit

    Coefficient: 2


    Class Meeting Time: Monday from 9:00 to 11:15

    Class Location: Room 31

    Instructor Name: Dr. GHOUALI Kamila

    Email Address: ghoualikamila@gmail.com / kamila.ghouali@univ-tlemcen.dz

    Availability at the University: Sunday from 9:00 to 12:00 and Tuesday from 09:00 to 12:00

    Course Title: The Paragraph

    Course Period: Four weeks

    • Course Objectives

      By the end of the course, first-year EFL students should be able to:                                                                    
      • know what a paragraph is. 
      • identify the format of a paragraph.
      • understand the organization of a basic paragraph.
      • recognize the purpose of a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. 
      • differentiate between unity and coherence in a paragraph.
      • comprehend how the ideas of a paragraph are arranged.
      • distinguish between time order, space order, and order of importance. 
      • write an organized, unified, and coherent paragraph.
      • Pre-Requisites

        Before embarking in the course, students should:          

        • have background knowledge about grammar and punctuation.

        • be able to write a simple sentence.

        • master some basic writing principles.

      • Course Outline

      • Communication Space

      • Chapter 1: The Paragraph: Definition, Format, and Organisation

      • Chapter 2: Unity and Coherence in a Paragraph

      • Post-test

      • Bibliography

      • Course Evaluation

        This section is reserved for the examiners.