Topic outline

  • Course 1/ What is Linguistics?

  • Course Two: Linguistics vs Traditional Grammar: An Overview of The Similarities and Key Differences

       Language changes from generation to generation, at all levels of sound and meaning. Thus, grammar as a method of analyzing these changes altered accordingly. Now we have two branches: traditional Grammar and modern linguistics. It should be noted that before the 19th century, linguistics as a scientific discipline was called philology because it was based on philosophical assumptions concerning the grammar of the language. By the beginning of the 19th century, researchers started thinking about the use of a scientific approach to the study of language. Thus, the term linguistics was used to refer to any form of investigation into the different elements of language including grammar. Yet, before clarifying and analyzing the sameness and dissimilarities between traditional grammar and modern linguistics in terms of their principles and assumptions, it might seem compulsory to provide first a thorough explanation about each branch.

  • Topic 3

    • Topic 4

      • Topic 5

        • Topic 6

          • Topic 7