Aperçu des semaines

  • Généralités

  • contact card

    Teacher: MENNI Abdelkader.

    Contact: tel; 0776448344.

    Email; kader13alg@gmail.com.

    Module: English.

    Unit: Transversal.

    Credit: 30.

    Total hours of teaching: 6 hours per week.

    • goals


      These are the main goals of our class

      - The general education English language curriculum enables students to have a new communication tool, formulate and develop communicative competences through listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

      - The general education English language curriculum enables students to have an overview of the landscape, people and cultures of some English speaking countries and other countries in the world, have good attitudes and feelings towardsall these sides.

      - Use English as a communication tool through the four abovementionned skills to meet basic and practical communication needs on familiar topics related to university, career, etc.

      - Continue to formulateand develop basic knowledge of English, including pronunciation

      , vocabulary and grammar; and through English, have more extensive understanding cultures of other countries in the world

      , understand and respect cultural diversity, and basically reflect on the values

      - Use English to improve the quality of learning other subjects in the general education curriculum.

      - Use a variety of learning strategies to manage learning time, apply information technology in learning and self

      - learning methodologies and take responsibility for learning all sciense, and learning habits.

      • Background information

        backgroud information
        English for specific purposes.
        English language for economics.

        • plan

          • identity card

            english teacher: benmansour souhila


            • Chapter two

              • Chapter three

                • homeworks

                  • Final test

                    • Bibliography

                      • 12 avril - 18 avril

                        • 19 avril - 25 avril