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  • Contact Form

    Teacher of the module: Fraida Drici

    E-mail: faridadriciuniv@gmail.com

    Availability( schedules and links) Every Saturday at 15:00

    Tutor: Farida Drici

    The module title: English

    Unit: transversal



    Overall hourly volume:1 one hour and a half

    • Objectives

      ·        Introduce students to the concepts, terminologies and general ideas of plastic arts studies .

      ·        Acquire the ability to understand the resources of their field in English.

      ·        To enhance students’ linguistic competence (Dell Hymes theory)

      ·        To promote their language skills 

      • Background

        ·        Knowledge of basic English grammar.

        ·        Decent speaking, writing, listening skills.

        ·        Minimum knowledge of concepts related to their field.

        • General Revision

          • General Plan


            The key stages in English teaching for specific purposes are needs analysis.

            The course and syllabus design.

            Teaching and learning,in addition to evaluation.

          • Analysis of the painting of Vincent Van Cogh

          • course details


          • Section 9

            • Section 10