Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

  • Contact form

    • Teacher of the module : Mrs. Imane Tehar
    • Phone number :0796193747
    • Availability (time and place ): Monday from 10 :00 am to 13:30 am management Department 
    • Tutors : Mrs. Imane Tehar
    • Email : imanetehar1997@gmail.com 
    • The  title of the module; English

    • Course objectives

      1. Strengthening of oral and written linguistic skills in a business context.
      2. Make the students able to  have firm previous knowledge of a general English language on which one can build a business English language in particular domains of the profession.
      3. Improve English Pronunciation skills.

      • Backround information

      • Overall Plan

        • 1. Job Interview
        • 2. Professional CV
        • 3. Recruitment
        • 4. Employee relations
        • 5. Motivation
        • 6. Sttaf Evaluation

        • Meeting Schedule

        • Section 6

          • Section 7

            • Section 8

              • Section 9

                • Section 10