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    The Scientific English  course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to understand, critique, and create scientific articles. Participants will learn about the structure of research papers, scientific databases, literature search techniques, and the intricacies of scientific writing. The course aims to empower students to read effectively and wisely scientific articles, and by the end of the course to write and publish their own research articles.


      Faculty: Sciences of Nature, Life and Earth

      Department: Biology

      Master 2 nd Level, Genetics

      Coefficient: 02

      Credits: 02

      Evaluation: Control + Exam



        Course Outline:

        This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of scientific writing by covering key objectives, including: understanding the purpose of scientific articles and the IMRD structure, mastering the role of abstracts and keywords; comprehending the components of introduction sections and learning to create compelling introductions; appreciating the importance of clear methodology descriptions and ethical considerations; effectively analyzing and presenting research findings; summarizing key findings, and discussing the results.


        • Quizzes and assignments on various aspects of scientific writing.
        • Peer reviews of classmates' writing.
        • Completion of a research paper in IMRD format.

        Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students will have a solid understanding of scientific writing principles, the structure of research articles, and the ability to conduct literature searches, critically evaluate articles, and write and publish their own research papers in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner.


          Course Prerequisites:

          • Proficiency in the English language.
          • Basic understanding of research methodologies and scientific concepts.


          • Introduction Section:
          • Materials and Methods:
          • Conducting Experiments
          • Results and Discussion:
          • Conclusion and References:
          • Searching for Scientific Articles:
          • Reading and Extracting Knowledge from Scientific Articles:
          • Writing and Publishing a Scientific Article: