Topic outline


    Devenir ingénieur agronome : formations, débouchés, salaire...

    This course for focuses on developing students' skills related to scientific articles. they will learn effective strategies for searching and retrieving articles using scientific platforms, gaining insights into the structured components of an article such as introduction, discussion, conclusion, and summarization techniques.


      Faculty: Sciences of Nature, Life and Earth

      Department: Agronomy

      Master 2nd Level, Vegetal Production

      Coefficient: 02

      Credits: 02

      Evaluation: Control + Exam


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        this space is for students, it's a collaborative learning environment, where diverse perspectives and ideas can be shared, enriching their understanding . This space interaction promotes effective communication and teamwork, essential attributes for success in academic settings.


        6 Reasons Why Setting Team Objectives is a Management Must - Enhance  Training The objectives of this course are:

        1.  To enhance students' proficiency in dealing with scientific articles, with a focus on practical skills that are essential for effective engagement with scholarly literature.

        2.  To equip students with effective strategies for searching and retrieving scientific articles using various platforms, ensuring they can access relevant and credible sources for their academic pursuits.

        3. To provide students with insights into the structured components of a scientific article, including the introduction, discussion, conclusion, and other key elements, enabling them to navigate and comprehend scholarly content effectively.


          1. Students should possess a basic level of proficiency in academic reading and writing

          2.  Competency in using digital tools and online platforms is important, as the course involves navigating scientific databases and online resources for information retrieval.

          3. Understanding of Academic Structures: Some familiarity with the general structure of academic papers,

          4. Motivation and Interest in the Field


            • Introduction

            • chapter 2: using scientific databases & scientific articles

            • chapter 3: drawing chain research

            • course 4: seaching articles

            • course 8: from introduction to conclusion

            • course 9: Results and interpretation

            • course 10: Revision