Part One: Tech Addiction
Pre-listening Phase
What do you do in your free time?
How many times do you check your phone?
How much time do you spend on social media
In what way you think social media is helping you in your
daily life or wasting your time?
Listening Phase
Listen to the recording and discuss
Post-listening Phase
After you have listened to the recording, do the following activity
Activity: Listening Comprehension
•According to research done, how much time
does teenagers and pre-teenagers spend on their phones?
•How did the presenter define addiction?
•Listening to the recording, can you list
some of the consequences of being all day on our phone?
•Why does the presenter think that kids
are mostly harmed by technology?
•What was Mary’s viewpoint about the
consequences of technology on kids?
Part Two: Social Media Detox
A quick warm-up
•Have you ever thought of the negative
effects of being all day long on your phone ? If yes, have you ever thought of
what you can do to minimise your addiction to your phone?
•What are the possible solutions that
you have thought of / tried to end your digital addiction?
Listening Phase
Listen to the recording, comment on it, and share perspectives with your classmates.
Post-Listening Phase: 1. Do the activity.
2. Discuss: According to you, how do you think you can do a digital detox in the digital era that we live in today. Suggest some strategies.