Welcome to COE
This subject / module introduces L1 EFL students to COE of
English. It generally aims at attaining the following learning objectives:
Students will be able to demonstrate
their oracy skills by developing their listening and speaking skills.
Students will be able to gain
and show their confidence and capability through speaking in
different topics and real-life situations.
Students will be able to
communicate effectively in English.
About the Subject / About the Lecturer

University: Abou-Bekr
Belkaid University of Tlemcen
Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages
Department: English Department
Module / Subject: Comprehension of Oral Expression (COE)
Level: 1st year EFL students
Semester: 1
Unit Type: Fundamental unit (UEF1)
Coefficient: 2
Credit: 4
Class Meeting Time: Online course (FAD)
Instructor Name: Dr. Sarra Menal FERKACHE
Email Address / Teams Account: sarramenal.ferkache@univ-tlemcen.dz
Course Period: 4 weeks (8 sessions)
Pre-requisites Before embarking in the course, students should have a
general knowledge in English language. Students should at least know the basics of English.
Evaluation methodsDuring each session,
students’ participation is counted and at the end of each unit, a set of
listening or speaking activities will be given to students with a one-week
deadline. As a demonstration of formative assessment, these activities will be
marked and all points that students are going to collect will be counted as
their TD mark.
For a summative
assessment, the final exam will demonstrate it at the end of the semester. Students
who do not obtain a 10 average will then be invited to take the make-up exam.