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  • Contact Sheet

    • Subject Instructor: Ms. Khaoula BENHADJEBA
    • Contact: khaoulabenhadjeba@gmail.com 
    • Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
    • Department of Common Core  ̶  Social Sciences
    • Field: Social Siences
    • Level: L1  ̶  Section1
    • Teaching Unit: Transversal
    • Coefficient: 1
    • Credit: 1
    • Required Weekly Working Hours: 1:30
    • Follow-up schedule: Mondays from 10:00am to 11:30am
    • Evaluation Method: 60% Final Exam  ̶  40% TD mark.

    • Objectives

      In the journey of teaching English in the social sciences, our mission is dual-fold. We aim to empower students with a mastery of the English language, enabling them to navigate scholarly realms seamlessly. Simultaneously, our focus extends to illuminating the vast terrain of social sciences, unraveling its branches and fostering a nuanced understanding. From honing research proficiency to refining communication skills, our objectives converge to shape students into adept scholars poised for impactful contributions within the dynamic tapestry of the social sciences. The intent of incorporating the English Language withing this field can be articulated as follows:

      • Familiarize students with key terms and concepts in social sciences in English
      • Ensure students understand the major branches of social sciences (e.g., sociology, psychology, anthropology and philosophy) 
      • Enhance students' oral communication skills in English, enabling them to participate in class discussions, present research findings, and communicate effectively in academic and professional contexts.

      • Chapter01: Exploring Social Sciences: Definitions, Approaches, and Role

      • Chapter02:Unveiling the Dynamics of Human Society: Exploring the Intricacies of Sociology

      • Chapter03: Understanding Anthropology in the Social Sciences

      • Chapter04: Exploring Minds in Society Psychology's Path through Social Sciences

      • Chapter05: Philosophy in Social Sciences: A Comprehensive Overview

      • Section 8

        • Section 9

          • Section 10