Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

  • Contact sheet

    • Faculty: Sciences
    • Department: Mathematics
    • Level:  Master 1 Mathematics (BIOMATHS/ PROBA-STAT)
    • Lecturer : YACHEUR Souâd
    • Course title: Professional ethics in teaching
    • Teaching unit : Transversal
    • Course schedule and location: Thursday 11:30 am - 1pm  online
    • Credits : 
    • Coefficient : 
    • Evaluation : tests and presentation
    • E-mail : souad.yacheur@univ-tlemcen.dz

    • Prerequisites

      Recommended prerequisites: "Ethics and deontology in teaching and research" course (3rd year mathematics degree).

    • Objectives

      The main objectives are :

      • Understanding professional ethics in teaching
      • Enhance presentation skills
      • Develop bibliographical research skills

      • Course entry portal

      • Introduction

        Introduction to the course on professional ethics in teaching, in which we define what professional ethics is in our profession, and what we ask students to do as part of this course.
      • Online meetings

      • Topics for presentation

      • Instructions and guidelines

        In this section you will find guidelines to respect and follow while preparing your work. 

      • Abstracts

        This section is for submitting your abstracts. 

      • Presentations

      • The talk


        Work not submitted: take advantage of the extended deadline until 30 April to submit your work. 

        I will not accept any work after this date.

        • Final test

          This section is devoted to the final test, which covers all the concepts acquired in your projects or those of your fellow students. 

        • Catch-up exam