Topic outline

  • Course Introduction and Description

    Students in L 3 are targeted for Scientific English, with a focus on Bio Chemistry. The goal of the scientific English module at this level is to improve methodological and linguistic proficiency in scientific research. The fundamentals of research and research methodology are presented to the students, who then use the various skills they have learned in the various units to conduct their scientific research. In this course, the students should be able to: paraphrase paragraphs; and write references.
                                                                  Is science denial worse than it's ever been? - Lesson Plan - ESL Brains

    • Contact Form

      Name: Dr. Nassima Didouh

      University of Tlemcen

      Department of Biology

      Group: Biochemistry

      • Communication space

        What is the purpose of paraphrasing for scientific research?

        • Course Obejectives

                                                               Une stratégie gagnante dans l'atteinte de vos objectifs | Progressens

          To teach students how to paraphrase paragraphs to prevent plagiarism:

          • Step 1: Read it several times.
          • Step 2: Note down the key concepts.
          • Step 3: Write his version.
          • Step 4: Compare the texts.
          • Step 5: Cite the source.

          • Prerequisites

            The student must fully understand the source information before attempting to re-write it.

            • Table of contents


              Chapter 1:Paraphrase

              Chapter 2 :Paragraph structure: writing a summary

              • CHAPTER 2 :Paragraph structure: writing a summary

              • REFRENCES

                • Topic 10