Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

    The Objectives of the module

    This module is designed specifically for the students beginning master’s courses in LC. It provides a foundation for further learning in specific research methods related to literature and civilization. It deals with interdisciplinary research methodologies, epistemologies, and interpretations relevant to literature and civilization studies.

  • Syllabus

    University: Abu Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen

    Faculty: Letters and Languages

    Department: English

    Course Title: Research Methodology in the Social Sciences

    Level: M1/ LC

    Instructor: Prof. Faiza SENOUCI MEBERBECHE

    Credit hours: 1:30 per week.


    UE: Methodology

    • An introductory Course about R M in Lit and Civ

      The introductory lecture acquaints the students with the module and explains the main objectives of the module and the expected outcomes which are as follows:

      The general objectives of the module are:

      -To introduce the students to the basic key elements of research in literature and civilization.

      -To equip the students with a basic understanding of research principles in their field of interest.

      -To provide the students with a more holistic understanding of research methodologies in literature and civilization.

      -To provide the students with the necessary knowledge and skills that will help them undertake their own research in the following year (dissertation writing).

      -To understand the interconnected nature of both literature and civilization and be able to handle their projects in this vein.

      -The ability to understand concepts, theories, approaches…in literature and civilization from different perspectives.

      -The ability to discuss, analyze, and generate viable solutions through evaluation and reflection.

      -To introduce students to research ethics, academic integrity, and legal frameworks governing research.

      The outcomes:

      After the completion of this module, the students will be able to:

      -Understand research methodology in literature and civilization.

      -Understand the research process from the cover page up to the reference matter.

      -The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in their dissertations the following year (M2).

      -Conduct any type of research in the field of literature and civilization.

      -Critically evaluate the feasibility and suitability of the different reference styles (MLA, APA…), research methods, approaches …in their field of interest.

      -Develop the ability to critically evaluate, analyze, interpret, and summarize scientific data.

      -Respect ethical principles and academic integrity.



      • Section 7

        • Section 8

          • Section 9

            • Section 10

              • Section 11

                • Section 12

                  • Section 13

                    • Section 14

                      • Section 15

                        • Section 16

                          • Section 17

                            • Section 18

                              • Section 19

                                • Section 20

                                  • Section 21

                                    • Section 22

                                      • Section 23

                                        • Section 24

                                          • Section 25

                                            • Section 26

                                              • Section 27

                                                • Section 28

                                                  • Section 29

                                                    • Section 30