Topic outline

  • Course Details

    University: University of Abou-Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen

    Faculty:  Letters and Languages

    Department: English

    Module:  Comprehension and Oral Expression (COE)

    Level:  L1

    Semester: S1 & S2


    Coefficient:  2

    Credit: 4

  • Pre-test / Diagnostic Test

  • Unit One

  • Unit Two

  • Unit Three

  • Unit Four

        Talking about daily routines is an interesting communicative activity people enroll in to share more about who they are. For pre-intermediate students, making them express themselves about their respective daily routines will help them share their experiences that mostly resonate with their classmates. Through the different sections of the unit, learners will successively acquire many vocabulary words, phrasal verbs, and idiomatic expressions that will help them construct interesting accounts of how they plan their days. The (video) listening session as well as a couple of exercises proposed at the end of the unit will contribute to building their overall knowledge about the topic under study and will develop their communicative competence as a whole. 

  • Public Speaking Basics