A Gap-Fill Activity ( the use of phrasal verbs)

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb ( or phrasal verb)

 I..... at 6 o’clock. I .... at 6.50. I..... a cup of tea and ..... my clothes. I .... a shower and ..... dressed. I  wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or cardigan and boots in the winter, or a skirt and blouse in the summer. I ..... my hair, ..... my make-up. I ....my bag with all my teaching materials. I then .... my coat and ...... the house. I..... to the bus stop. I .... the bus at 8.15, and then I ..... my fare and sit down. It .... about 45 minutes ..... to my destination three miles away. I ..... the bus and walk to the school where I teach English. I have to .... and get the key. Class... at 9.25 and ...... at 11.25.