Organizing the Narrative Paragraph

Read the student paragraph below carefully:

  When I was thirteen years old, I had a great surprise at the Grand Hotel in Toronto. My favorite soccer team was visiting from Mexico, so I went to the hotel to get autographs from some of the players. When I got there, I waited outside for a long time because I was very nervous. Finally, I told my legs to start moving, and I went up to my favorite stiker, Sergio Verdirame, and asked for his autograph. My voice was trembling, but I controlled it. He stopped to listen to me, and then an amazing thing happened. He invited me to his table for dinner. I could not believe it! Suddenly, I was sitting across the table from Sergio Verdirame! I ordered a big humburger with everything on it except onions. When the food came, my hands were shaking, and I could not eat and talk. After a while, I took a deep breath and said to myself, "Hey, this happens just one in your life". I got rid of my nerves and started talking with the team and enjoying my hamburger. They were really great guys, and we had a good time laughing and joking together. That was the most delicious hamburger I ever ate in my life because I was eating it with my idol.

Examine the organization of the paragraph by answering the questions below:

1/ Underline the topic sentence. What information appears in the topic sentence?



2/ Read the following events from the story. Number them in the order in which they occured.

.....A/ The writer ordered a hamburger.

.....B/ The writer was very nervous and his hands were shaking.

.....C/ Sergio Verdirame invited the writer to have dinner.

.....D/ The writer asked the soccer player for his autograph.

.....E/ The writer overcame his  fear and enjoyed his dinner.

3/ In the concluding sentence, the writer explains what made him happiest. Which sentence best describes his final comments?

A/ He was able to eat a very good hamburger.

B/ He was able to spend time with his favorite soccer player.

C/ He was able to overcome his fear of speaking to his heroes.

D/ He finally got an autograph from his favorite player.

4/What made the amburge memorable?................................................................... ..............
