Glossary on vegtal production terms

A glossary is a list of terms and definitions related to a particular subject. It serves as a reference for readers to easily understand and clarify any technical terms that may be unfamiliar to them.

For us, the glossary will be a collaborative effort, with all students contributing to its creation. This means that they will be able to learn from one another and share their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

 here is an example:



Agricultural extension

The application of scientific research and knowledge to agricultural practices in order to improve crop production and enhance sustainability.


An organelle found in plant cells that is responsible for photosynthesis and contains chlorophyll.


A substance added to soil to improve plant growth and fertility.


The process of supplying water to crops through artificial means, such as sprinklers or drip systems.


The process by which plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy, which is used to fuel growth and development.

Plant propagation

The process of reproducing plants, either sexually or asexually, in order to produce new individuals.

Soil pH

A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of soil, which can affect plant growth and nutrient uptake.


The process by which plants lose water vapor through small pores in their leaves, which helps regulate temperature and nutrient transport.


Any plant that grows in a location where it is not desired, often competing with crops for resources.

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