Unit Three: Public Speaking

Time required for this unit: 3hrs
Aim: This lesson aims to introduce students to ‘Public speaking skills’


What do you see in the image presented?

What are the materials showed in the image?

Who is involved in the image?


Listen to the video and give your comments. 

1.     Who do you think is the speaker in the video?

2.     What did he use in the video to illustrate his idea?


Tips on how to plan for your public speech:

·Clear and well-organised: a good speech is a clear and well organised flow of ideas which reflects a well-structured chain of thoughts.
·Purposeful: a good speech should have a purpose and goes straight to the point without redundancy or beating around the bush.
·Active not passive: a good speech should be well prepared beforehand, and a good speaker should select the best strategy to deliver their speech and catch the audience’s attention.
· Ensures immediacy: a good speech reflects a connection of three main elements: the speaker, the topic, and the audience.
. Knowing your audience: ´Aim & message (what do they need to know); ´Audience (adults, academics)
. Planning for your presentation: Structure: content (what do they need to know); Sequencing (pointing to the future, varied speech, avoid being boring; your listener will tune out)Keep your listen enthusiastic about your topic; Timing (how long do we speak)
. Anecdote: ´Storytelling': (techniques: share our stories, engage the audience in real stories, anecdotes, jokes)
. Design: ´colours, alignment …; ´Data visualisation: graphs, charts, clips, images, canvas
. Body language: ´Non-verbal element (body language, voice, props); Overcoming fear (techniques)
. Speech delivery: Vocal elements (voice, pitch, stress on words, intonation)