Lecturer's Profile

Course Details

  • Teaching Time: 3hours per week
  • Setting: Wednesday from 10:00 am to 13:00 am in Lab1. 
  • For LMD Masters Degree
  • Group: Section
  • Coefficient: 3
  • Unit: Fundamental


  • Office: Staffroom 2. Tuesday, from 10:00 am- 13:00, at the Department of English.
  • Forum Discussion: If you have questions related to the course or the assignment, you can post them in the forum space. I will be able to answer you within 48 hours.
  • Email: I also answer emails, in case I am on annual leave, you will receive an automatic reply that informs you about my non-availability. In urgent situations, I reply through emails, however, the way that I prefer we contact each other is through the forum.

Modifié le: jeudi 28 septembre 2023, 22:56