Test of pre-existing knowledge of levels of analysis

Read each scenario carefully and state the correct level of language analysis in each scenario ( e.g., phonology). 

a. If we see the word ʻtalks' alone, outside of any context, we could consider it to be composed

of the root ʻtalk' and a plural -s to make a noun (more than one talk/discussion/address), or we

could consider it to be made up of the root ʻtalk' and a third person -s to make a conjugated

verb (like ʻhe talks', ʻshe talks', or ʻit talks'). ..........................................

b. The English word ʻtalk' has near synonyms like ʻspeak', ʻsay', ʻexpress', ʻshout', ʻyell', and


c. How and where the ʻt' is pronounced in the English word ʻt-alk'...........................................

d. The sound ʻt' is produced differently depending on its location in a given word, e.g., till vs


e . In English, appropriate word order is Subject-Verb-Object, like saying ʻThe man was talking to

the child.' In Japanese, word order is Subject- Object-Verb, so one would say ʻThe man the child

to was talking.......................................................

Méthode d'évaluation : Note la plus haute