Calculation of Continuous assessment

In the Continuous Assessment, 50% via Moodle and 50% face-to-face.

  • Moodle test (CA Part 1) on March 09, 2024, out of 07 points for 30 min.
  • Face-to-face test (CA Part 2) on 07 points on April 17.
  • Catch-up of test on Moodle (CA Part 1) on April 27, 2024, for 30min.
  • Catch-up of Face-to-face test on May 08, 2024.
  • For those unable to attend the tests, a final exam exercise will be the CA note.
  • The SW grade will be out of 06 points, and is made up of the attendance grade, the grade for homework and tests on Moodle, and attendance.

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