Exercises Lecture 7

Exercise 1

Write complete sentences using the suitable part of speech


1-      ……………occupied the African territories.

2-      Hard work…………………to success.

3-      The water has frozen………………ice.

4-      My friend…………….help you better than………………….because he is…………..expert in………..field.

5-      They like reading………….mainly…….the evening and……………hate going to……….parties.


Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to get meaningful sentences

1-      The scientist worked (hard-hardly) to achieve good results as far as his (experiment-experience) was concerned

2-      The child was very (quite-quiet) in the evening

3-      The pupel got (satisfied-satisfactory) results

4-      The old woman is very (talkative-inquisitive) since she wants to know everything about other people’s affairs


Exercise 3

Write five sentences of your own production.


Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences

1-      The famous writer had……………

2-      Those high buildings…………….

3-      …………….very nice pictures

4-      That old man…………………

5-      The large room……………….

6-      A little girl………………in the public garden

7-      You must……………………….

8-      …………………..a group of tourists

9-      The young lady……………..

10-  It is nice………………