Exercises Lecture 8

Exercise 1 :

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

1)-What is the controlling idea of this paragraph?

2)-What kind of paragraph development is used?

3)-What is the type of the conclusion?

            Watching T.V for a long time has many serious effects on the child’s personality.

One of these consequences is that the child becomes passive and does not try to do a sort of a creative work. He will in an imaginary world which is the one that is related to the characters depicted in cartoons and films. The child will waste time in watching T.V rather than doing other activities which may be more helpful. The fact of watching more T.V programs can  have a very bad impact on the child. This is why the parents should assume their responsibility by trying to make the child watch T.V just for a very few hours and help him to do other activities instead of sticking to watching T.V all the day.

Exercise 2:

Complete the following paragraph:

One day, a little girl went to the zoo with her mother. There were many people who came with their children to see the animals.

Exercise 3:

Write a paragraph using development by contrast to speak about the difference between a lazy and a diligent worker.

Exercise 4:

Try to write a paragraph using development by definition to explain the concept of racism.

Exercise 5:

Answer the following question in a paragraph:

What are the main causes of the pollution of the environment ?