Public Speaking Basics

Overall Aim:  This unit aims to introduce students to the basics of public speaking, help them structure a speech, develop techniques to manage public speaking anxiety, and practice delivering a short speech with constructive feedback.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Understand the structure of a basic speech.
  • Develop skills to manage public speaking anxiety.
  • Practice delivering a short speech in front of peers.
  • Give and receive constructive feedback on speech performance.
Pre-Listening Phase: Students see the displayed memes related to public speaking and they reflect on their prior experience in Public speaking. 

Warm up Questions: 

1. Have you ever experienced such a situation? Share it with us and tell us about your reaction at that moment?

2. How would you define public speaking? 

3. What is the first aspect that attracts you in a speech or a presentation? 

4. While speaking in public or in front of your peers, What are the common challenges and issues that you face? 

Cliquer le lien Public Speaking Experience (Memes).pptx pour afficher le fichier.