Weekly outline

  • Welcome

                                 Course Description

    The Comprehension & Written Expression, also refers to 'CWE' course is designed for second year bachelor students to prepare them with writing skills on genre writing. This course supports students with knowledge on different essays writing, starting with ‘general essay' which is extensively presented in chapter one and chapter two.

  • Lecturer Contact Details


    Dr Wafa Zekri, Assistant lecturer

    • Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages, at Tlemcen University.
    • Department of English.
    • Contact: zekriwafa4@gmail.com

        Course Details

    • Comprehension & Written Expression, also refers to 'CWE'
    • Teaching Time: 2hours per week
    • Setting: Tuesday from 09:00am to 11:00am at Room 3. 
    • For LMD2
    • Group: 7
    • Coefficient: 2
    • Credit: 2
    • Unit: Fundamental


    • Office: Staff-room 2. Tuesday, from 10am- 13:00, at the Department of English.
    • Forum Discussion: If you have questions related to the course, or the assignment, you can post them in the forum space. I will be able to answer you back during 48hours.
    • Email: I also answer emails, in case I am in an annual leave, you will receive an automatic reply that informs you about my non-availability. In urgent situations, I reply through emails, however, the way that I prefer we contact each other is through the forum.

  • General Objectives

    •  This course aims to assist Second Year Bachelor students of English at The University of Tlemcen with proficiency and competency in skills of ‘General Essay' writing. These objectives are adapted from Bloom's Taxonomy concepts. 

    • Cognitive Category:
    • To support students understand shift the context: explaining the rhetoric goal of writing ‘general essay', i. e, understanding the difference between writing an essay for an academic audience, rather writing a post on social media. 
    •  To identify ‘general essay' structure and organisation, including unity and coherence. 
    • Application  Category:
    • To discuss the sequence of logic in writing ‘general essay', applying structure of ‘the thesis statement', and ‘supporting details'. 
    • Analysis Category: 
    • To support students share their views about general topics/topics of interest. 
    • Synthesis/Production Category
    • To discuss through teacher-feedback students' writing on both linguistic products and content presentation. 
    • Evaluation Category:
    • To assess students' final draft.

    • Pre-requisites

      Objectives designed for the pre-requisites are interrelated to what students know (de savoir ce que savent), and what students need to develop to be able to apply writing skills. 

      1.  To recall paragraph writing organisation. 
      2.  To know and to distinguish between a variety of tenses.  
      3.  To identify stages of writing a 'body paragraph', using a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, and a concluding sentence.
      4. To synthesise through a variety of sentence types: simple. complex, and compound. 
      5.  To apply them for a well-written paragraph (linguistically and rhetorically)

      • Pre-test

        This pre-test aims to check your knowledge of paragraph writing, including format, organisation and language.

      • Lecture 1: The Thesis Statement

        • Elements of the Essay Introduction
        • Types of the Thesis Statement
        • Functions of the Thesis Statement
        • Characteristics of the Thesis Statement
        • Evaluation

        For further details check the attached.

      • Lecture 2 Links

        • General Essay Structure
        • Body Paragraph Structure
        • Types of Supporting Sentences
        • Final Evaluation 

        For further details check the attached.

      • Final Evaluation

        This is your final evaluation, you will be able to write a full essay after you have been instructed how to write different parts of your essay.

      • Bibliography

        • Belkhir, F. and Messaoudi, Y (2018) Comprehension and Written Expression. Published by the University of Tlemcen, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Department of English. file:///C:/Users/Wafa/Desktop/University%20courses/CWE%20L2/General%20essay%20writing/CWE% 20L2%20Pedagogical%20Manual%20TLM.pdf.
        • Connelly, J. and Forsyth, P. (2012). Essay Writing Skills. Essential techniques to gain top grades. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. 

        • Examiners' Evaluation Sheet

        • 30 juin - 6 juillet